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Use the form on the right to send us a message. You can also feel free to email or call the shop directly at | 530.235.2969.

5732 Dunsmuir Ave
Dunsmuir, CA, 96025



Guide Notes


Rick Cox

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The Ted Fay Fly Shop wishes all you fly fishers and non fly fishers a very happy and joyous holiday season. We give thanks for your patronage and support. If you are having a difficult time making gift choices for that special person in mind just remember the shop is full of ideas for your shopping list. Remember too we offer gift certificates so give Bob a call at 530-235-2969 or email him at

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Ted Fay Report : December 5, 2019

Rick Cox

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Upper Sacramento, Klamath and Lower Sacramento River Report

The recent storms have not prevented our Wild Waters guides from getting out on our nearby rivers and finding fish. The Upper Sac has got snow on it from Ney Springs down to Shasta Lake. Access is more difficult but if you are willing to put in the effort you will not only find some hungry fish loading themselves up for the long winter but a completely different landscape that will take your breathe away. With another big storm forecast later this week (3-4 inches rain) the river will probably blow out which isn’t unusual for the winter. Once it settles though your window of opportunity is there so jump on it for some fun with some big fish ready to play. The Klamath remains solid with flows up top around 1000 cfs. Even with the forecast storms this section will not blow out and is a solid option for you steelhead junkies. We have been seeing a very consistent Fall run of steelies and the rain will continue to help tickle these fish to continue their charge up river. The Lower Sac has been money for us this Fall and continues as such. This has been one of the best years for big rainbows on this river and our clients have been smiley all day long. This amazing fishery just continues to get better and better. If you want it all to yourself and beat the crowds that are normally there Winter is an excellent time for solitude on this big river.

We are looking forward to getting over to the coast soon, the December’s storms are forecast to continue for the next 2 weeks at least, a perfect setup for the elusive beast we live for to start their migration upstream. We are booking trips from the Eel River north into southern Oregon so if you are dreaming of steelhead on these special rivers give us a shout, we have a number of excellent coastal guides at the ready.


Rick Cox

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If you have any further questions please call Bob in the shop and when you are in the area stop in and bug him.

Ted Fay Report : November 8, 2019

Rick Cox


Rogue River, Klamath River, Upper Sacramento and McCloud River Report

Our Wild Waters Fly Fishing guides have been super busy burning the miles and taking advantage of all the current opportunities that are presenting themselves. Fall is such a great opportunistic time to sample the many rivers near us. The Rogue River has had an excellent return of summer steelhead and the fall/winter fish are just starting to arrive. We have been doing beats from the dam down to TouVelle Park and finding fish. Chrome has also been giving us a good year on the Klamath with an outstanding run of half pounders mixed in with adults. Both of these rivers will only improve as we get into the rest of Fall and when we start getting rain. The Lower Sacramento continues to be a solid choice for those wanting a day in the boat chasing the big rainbows that the river offers. The salmon are spawning now and the trout menu is all about gobbling eggs. The McCloud has seen crowds on the weekends but mid week has been much quieter. We have been seeing an outstanding year for the October Caddis and the big Stimulators and Chubbys have been the ticket. It closes on the 15th, beware the browns are beginning their spawning so caution when wading, give the redds a wide birth. The Upper Sacramento, which stays open all year, has been giving up some large fish and is fishing well from Ney Springs to Delta. The October Caddis seem more prevalent from Dunsmuir up to Ney so if you want to throw big dries this is where you want to be, particularly in the late afternoon.

Give us a shout if any of these tickle you, we would love to get you out on the river with one of our excellent guides.


Rick Cox


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If you have any further questions give Bob a shout in the shop and when you are in the area stop in and say hello.