Ted Fay Report : April 30,2020
Rick Cox
Well boys and girls it’s definitely a different world these days. Here in Dogpatch we are of course following the mandated marching orders set down by our governor . However what better way to enjoy the outdoors and practice social distancing than getting out on the water for some relief from the constant chatter of the talking heads and practice some me time. Spring is here and we have been having some excellent fishing on both the USac and McCloud Rivers. It’s certainly lifts my heart to hear and feel the water and of course take in all the sounds of mother nature and her spring blooms. There are a few folks out fishing on the rivers but for the most part there are no crowds. There was a spike of anglers on the McCloud for the opening weekend with a number trying to camp at Ah Di Nah which is closed. These sports thought they could just sneak in and get away with it but law enforcement showed up and they were escorted out. As you can see below all STNF and State campgrounds are closed and its being enforced. In addition the Nature Conservancy on the McCloud River is closed and the caretaker is there acting like the gatekeeper to heaven. In the future I will post news of any opening changes once I receive notification but for now kids you have to get it, the playground is shutdown in certain areas and if you are bad you are going to get spanked. In the mean time the good news is the USac isn’t closed except the few locations noted below and the McCloud River public water is open from the dam to the Conservancy.
A big ah ha for you to realize is lodging and restaurants here are tough to come by if you are considering getting away. There are a few motels open in Mt. Shasta, specifically the Best Western Tree House and possibly one or two others. There are a few restaurants offering take out and the fast food places are doing drive through. Dunsmuir has no take out going but the Mosbrae Hotel next to the shop is open. Lodging in McCloud is pretty much shutdown and Floyds Drive In is the only food available. You might also be able to find a VRBO open in the area too if you peck around.
Conditions currently are very good with both rivers running clear. The USac is experiencing runoff but is very approachable in most areas with flows running around 900 cfs. The McCloud River at Ah Di Nah is running about 260 cfs and is easy to access. Ash Camp of course is closed and access to it is still blocked off at the dam. Last year we were fighting high water conditions at this time but we are now officially in a drought situation and the snowpack is at 50% at best so no worries as far as big water.
Here’s a list of campground closures from the STNF…..
Mt. Shasta/McCloud Area
Campgrounds closed in Mt. Shasta/McCloud Area
Trout Creek Campground
Algoma Campground
Cattle Camp Campground
Fowlers Campground
Ah-Di-Na Campground
McBride Springs Campground
Sims Flat Campground
Castle Lake Campground
Gumboot Campground
Panther Meadows Campground
Group Campgrounds closed in Mt. Shasta/McCloud Area
Camp 4 Group Site
Red Fir Flat Group Campground
Day Use sites closed in Mt. Shasta/McCloud Area
Bunny Flat and all Everitt Memorial Highway day use sites
Castle Lake Day Use Area
Sims Day Use Area
Pollard Flat Day Use Area
Snowman’s Hill Day Use Area
McCloud River Falls area (Lower/Upper/Middle Falls; Lakin Dam; Cattle Camp swimming hole)
Pilgrim Creek Snowmobile Park
So fortunately or not this is your up to date situation. Bottom line you can still fish but as we all know it’s a different world and until Dorothy comes back to Toto it’s not going to change any time soon.
In the mean time I encourage all you pastry porn fans who cannot get out to visit their favorite closed donut shop to party on like a rock star at home and become a pastry whore like me, there’s some great recipes out there to get your sweet tooth cranked up. It of course helps to have a partner in crime such as my wife, Ms. P to assist your addiction. You now have my permission to indulge yourselves and go down in flames like me…..I’m just a donut shy of 300 lbs. now and enjoying the ride. As the old proverb goes “Fat is where it’s at, you only live once”.
Bob is still available for messages (530) 235-2969 but the shop is not open and will remain so until we are told we can open the doors. Stay safe everyone and for sure stay healthy, we want to see you all and your happy faces on the other side of this.
Rick Cox and Bob Grace
Photo by Jason Kash
Photo by Jason Kash
Photo by Jason Kash
Pastry from Ms. P
Ms. P pastry