Ted Fay Report : March 12, 2021
Rick Cox
Courtesy of Woody Lowe
I’ve been on sabbatical but am back and contrary to rumors I’m not retired or intend to. I’m segwaying from full time guiding into a part of fly fishing I’ve always enjoyed …. teaching. It’s an arena that has a void and at this stage of my life I am offering 40 years of fly fishing knowledge that I want to pass on to those who have dreamt of fly fishing and don’t know where or how to get started or those who are looking for additional guidance and instruction. Of course too I will continue to post fishing reports for the shop and tease y’all with the pastry porn.
Some of you may already be aware but the CA Fish and Wildlife regulations has gone through a radical change. Personally I’m unhappy with their opening up most trout rivers statewide all year. They justified their logic stating they wanted to simplify and standardize their regulations. I protested, in particular the McCloud River being a year round fishery, but to no avail. We’ll just have to see how many rescues have to be made in the canyon in the middle of the winter, best be warned when the snow arrives and winter comes the road to Ah Di Nah and the dam becomes problematic and it’s not plowed or cleared of slides until spring. Nearby rivers such as Pit River, Hat Creek, Burney Creek and Fall River are now open for year round angling too.
The recent weather has bumped the Sac flows to just above 600cfs, once the snow melt cuts loose then she becomes a much larger river but for now it’s in prime shape. The temps are starting to get north of 50 degrees now midday so that’s my signal (and of course no rain or snow) to get out there. I fished it for a few hours today and had success with soft hackles and blue wing olive imitations …. FYI they were all quality fish. I love the late winter early spring fishing available here when conditions such as these present themselves …. I highly recommend you take advantage of these opportunities, it’s all about timing and seizing the moment kids.
Winter has been a Covid stay at home but when I have my favorite baker under the same roof the pastry mojo kicks in and some of Ms. P’s great recipes get made and guess who gets the rewards of enjoying them. Covid pastry porn has helped me through this pandemic so eat your little hearts out for those of you who enjoy the comfort of living my porn vicariously.
Remember the shop is currently operating under winter hours (closed Monday and Tuesday). Bob is stocking up for the spring season so if you need something he can certainly ship it to you but even more just get your butt up here and get some great fishing in.
Rick Cox
Rick Cox Fly Fishing
Gobbled BWO emerger
Mr. Eng
Ms. P
Buster swinging the Rogue
Rogue swing time
Buster’s streamside espresso
Tribs looking good
Last summers blackberries
Homemade cinnamon rolls
Ogasmic pecan tassies
Donuts are the meaning of life