Ted Fay Report : July 11, 2021
Rick Cox
Poor ole Dogpatch has been getting hit from all sides so far this summer. We’ve had multiple fires surrounding us with choking smoke (fire=smoke), record setting temps, local 4th July events and fireworks cancelled, the USFS closing the mountain and a nasty mud flow off the south side of the mountain rendering the McCloud River unfishable. Mother Nature has her own rules and we unfortunately are suffering her wrath. Of concern, we are only 3 weeks into summer, am hoping it’s doesn’t get worse.
The Konwakiton Glacier on the upper stretches of Mt. Shasta has gone through recent mud flow events over the last 5 years and with the extreme early summer temps its melt has begun early. Melted ice accumulates under it like a lake and when the water pressure increases to a certain point the mud and rock flow breaks though and comes tumbling down. Sometimes minor in scale producing a milky color in the river but recently its been a life threatening event that surges muddy water down the Mud Creek canal overspilling its banks. Accompanying the mud are large boulders making it a danger to anyone or thing in its path. Checkout the picture taken below the dam today, needless to say she isn’t fishable for some time.
The Upper Sac has had the lower stretch down by Dog Creek closed due to the Salt Fire which is burning north into the Delta fire scar from a few years ago. Flows are running close to an all time low of 160cfs and the water temp from Sims to Delta hits into the 70’s during the day. This is not good for the trout, period! They aren’t built to handle warm water such as this and catching them in these conditions stresses them. Midday water temps upstream aren’t much better so I recommend either mornings or evening fishing with a break from noon till early evening, otherwise if you fish in the afternoon you are dancing with the devil on the river pure and simple. Most fish can be found in the heavy oxygenated water rather that the pools and runs. The higher upstream you go the water temps get more reasonable for trout so consider Dunsmuir up to Ney Spring for best results. Go to bugs right now are LBS although you can still stick some fish with a Stimie/dropper in the pocket water.
In conclusion, it’s officially the Dog Daze of summer, early or late fishing, wet wading suggested. Also it would be nice to see Dept. of Fish and Wildlife consider Hoot Owl hours similar to what I see a lot in the Rockies when water temps get too hot (shut down fishing after 2pm), just a thought to save our fisheries.
Cheers and follow your bliss.
Rick Cox Fly Fishing - offering 40 years of fly fishing experience for hourly or half day lessons and trips for beginners to ole dawgs. Checkout my Instagram post at rick_fly
If you have any further questions give the shop a shout and the next time you are in the area stop in an bug Bob..
Lava Fire Got Too Close For Comfort
Rare Day To Head Out To The Classroom
Crazy Temps
Everitt Memorial Highway Closed, No Lemurians Sighted
McCloud Reservoir Showing Off Her Turquoise
Mud Creek Highway 89 Bridge
Pilgrim Creek Bridge Almost Breached By Mud Flow
Pilgrim Creek Road Breached
McCloud River Is Toast