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5732 Dunsmuir Ave
Dunsmuir, CA, 96025


Guide Notes

Ted Fay Report : December 26, 2019

Rick Cox


Klamath and Upper Sacramento River

Rain and snow have made for great recipes for fishing on the Klamath and Upper Sac lately. It’s winter fishing time folks! The Klamath crowds have gone and our guides have been having outstanding days on it. The upper river above I-5 is starting to get some of the bigger winter runs that we always expect. Most fish are being caught on the leg and eggs setup hung under a bobber but if you love to swing think bigger flies and a sinking tip. Flows remain very constant so far, this has been an excellent choice for you steelheaders. Give us a shout if you would like to sample this storied river. On the Upper Sac the big fish are coming out to play. It’s all about timing and windows of opportunity. Flows are like a roller coaster so look for receding flows. It’s a big fish heaven from now through the winter and it’s all nymphing with legs and your favorite nymph suspended beneath. Remember too it’s a completely different river with the increased flows so your old fav spots here are no more. Our guides know this winter fishery and can show you what I mean.


Rick Cox


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John Klamath Winter 2019.jpg

If you have any further questions please contact the shop and when you are in the area stop in and bug Bob.