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5732 Dunsmuir Ave
Dunsmuir, CA, 96025


Guide Notes

Ted Fay Report : September 23, 2019

Rick Cox

McCloud 1.jpg

Upper Sacramento River and McCloud River Report

Both rivers are starting to shake their lazy dog daze of summer and we are seeing the meter up ticking on fish beginning to put the chow bag on. Cooler days and nights along with some rain lately have flipped the switch for Mr. Trout. Squaw Creek runs through my backyard and I witnessed my first October Caddis of the fall on my deck last night. Mt. Shasta has it’s first dusting of snow too so all the planets are aligning for a great kickoff for our upcoming Fall season for both rivers. Still a bit early for any dry fly excitement but nymphing is very solid on both rivers. Lately we have been having success with a variety of midge patterns #16-18, Serendipity #16, P.T.’s #14-16, S&M #16-18 and miscellaneous stone fly patterns. Both rivers are running very clear so stealth is recommended. We have seen a few browns on the McCloud but no where near what we witnessed this time last year, but who knows they may be tardy to the party yet. Give us a shout if you would like to get into the Fall fun with one of our experienced guides, our October calendar is starting to fill.

Rick Cox


McCloud 2.jpg
McCloud Bow.jpg
McCloud Bow 2.jpg
Creswell Bakery aamazing  house of pastry sin in Creswell, OR

Creswell Bakery aamazing house of pastry sin in Creswell, OR

Recommended Bugs .... Nymphs

Dirty Bird #8-12

Posse Bugger #8

Red Fox Squirrel #8-10

October Caddis Pupa #8-10

Plump Poopah #8-10

Jimmy Legs #4-14

LBS (dig back to a certain previous report)

Gordon Prince #14-16

Copper John (red & copper) #14-16

Tan or Olive Fox Poopah #14-16

Soft Hackles #14-16


Humpy #8-16

Adams #8-18

X-Caddis #14-16

E/C Caddis #14-16

Stimulator #8-14

PMD #14-16

If you have any further questions give Bob a shout at the shop or just stop in and bug him next time in the area.