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5732 Dunsmuir Ave
Dunsmuir, CA, 96025



Guide Notes

Ted Fay Report : February 11, 2020

Rick Cox


The Upper Sacramento Report

Am getting a little worrisome as far as river conditions and snowpack but have to say up to now no complaints. The river has been running oh so sweet with flows right now just north of 400cfs. February started off with very high flows but has been dropping slowly. The entire river right now is very approachable and fishing is off the charts for big rainbows. Just about everyone who’s been out is finding fish in the 16-24 in range …. SERIOUSLY! It’s one of those winters where the planets have aligned and the fish gods are showing us love. Temps during the day this week have been in the 60’s from Dunsmuir down river and the 2 week forecast shows nada precip and warm temps. Fish are grabby for the Jimmy Legs, tungsten stones, sculpins and a variety of mayfly nymph patterns. We are starting to see the rainbows spawning so be cautious of their redds. I will impress one more time, the window is here and when it shuts you will kick yourself for not taking advantage of this very opportunistic time to get into one of these elusive beasts. We have the guides who can get you into them, give me a shout.

Rick Cox


Steelhead Report

We have chasing steelhead frantically since January and finding some very nice steelies. We’ve been on all over northern California and southern Oregon where conditions have been perfect and remain so. Swinging and bobber has produced with a lot of chromers coming to the net. Unlike last year when the rain was relentless the weather has been holding just enough and that steelhead green has prevailed on most rivers. We will continuing pursuing these bad boys the remainder of this month and March so if you got the itch give me a shout.

Rick Cox


Daily Rations

Daily Rations

If you have any further questions give Bob a shout at the shop and when you are in the area stop in and bug him.

Ted Fay Report : December 26, 2019

Rick Cox


Klamath and Upper Sacramento River

Rain and snow have made for great recipes for fishing on the Klamath and Upper Sac lately. It’s winter fishing time folks! The Klamath crowds have gone and our guides have been having outstanding days on it. The upper river above I-5 is starting to get some of the bigger winter runs that we always expect. Most fish are being caught on the leg and eggs setup hung under a bobber but if you love to swing think bigger flies and a sinking tip. Flows remain very constant so far, this has been an excellent choice for you steelheaders. Give us a shout if you would like to sample this storied river. On the Upper Sac the big fish are coming out to play. It’s all about timing and windows of opportunity. Flows are like a roller coaster so look for receding flows. It’s a big fish heaven from now through the winter and it’s all nymphing with legs and your favorite nymph suspended beneath. Remember too it’s a completely different river with the increased flows so your old fav spots here are no more. Our guides know this winter fishery and can show you what I mean.


Rick Cox


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John Klamath Winter 2019.jpg

If you have any further questions please contact the shop and when you are in the area stop in and bug Bob.


Rick Cox

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The Ted Fay Fly Shop wishes all you fly fishers and non fly fishers a very happy and joyous holiday season. We give thanks for your patronage and support. If you are having a difficult time making gift choices for that special person in mind just remember the shop is full of ideas for your shopping list. Remember too we offer gift certificates so give Bob a call at 530-235-2969 or email him at

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