Ted Fay Report : May 17, 2024
Rick Cox
Well kids the snowmelt is in full swing now with the recent hot weather. The Upper Sac is running bank to bank and the water is very cold. There are a few high water spots you can fish but my recommendation is it needs to get around or below 1000 cfs. Currently its’s bumping around 2000-2500 cfs which is high. However the McCloud is in super shape now. Had coffee with the caretaker at the Preserve the other day and he told me the visibility is 4-5 ft in the water and flows out the dam are around 200 cfs which is about normal. He told me also the Salmonflies and Golden Stones are appearing along with caddis and mayflies. It will only get better as we get in June so now is the time to rev up your motors and get up here before Mud Creek starts doing its thing. Also I got a report today that, unfortunately, most people realize this is the only game in town and both Ash Camp and Ah Di Nah are filling up. Memorial Day is next weekend so it will only get worse . As I always say the McCrowd is living up to its name. The only other rivers in the area that are not high right now is Hat Creek and Fall River. So pick your poison.
Rick Cox